Sunday, January 06, 2008

linux: bootloader file location

I have an ASUS F3SV laptop. It's dual boot Vista / Ubuntu. In the boot menu, if I choose the first Vista menu option, the boot loader will be corrupted, making me unable to start up Ubuntu and Vista.

I have no problems getting if into Vista if I choose the 2nd Vista menu option. So, to prevent me from choosing the first Vista option in the first place, I simply commented that option in


java/linux: Setup ClassPath in Unix/Linux (ubuntu) on your .bashrc

If you want to be able to call eclipse / ant / java from any prompt in your linux system, then
edit your .bashrc and add this lines :

# User specific environment and startup programs
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/usr/local/eclipse
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant


export PATH

note: $PATH is how your current path is configured. If you type in echo $PATH in the command line, you should see something like this

The colon ":" is simply just the delimiter.

Once you've edited your .bashrc, reboot your pc (or type ctrl + alt + backspace) for your new settings to take effect. After you've rebooted, type the following from the command line and see the results :


See :

linux: Add RealPlayer in your Ubuntu

wget -c
sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.9-0.1_i386.deb

See :

eclipse: Installing JBoss Tools (formerly known asn JBoss IDE or Hibernate Tools) and SpringIDE via Update Manager

Hibernate tools can be obtained from JBoss tools. To add JBoss tools in eclipse, add this as a "Remote Site" in your Eclipse Update Manager

For more info, see :

SpringIDE - just add this to your download manager