Wednesday, March 19, 2008

java: An algorithm for converting an array to comma delimited/separated string/value (e.g. csv)

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

Long[] array = {new Long("1"), new Long("2"), new Long("3")};

for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++)
   if (i > 0) 
       sb.append(", ");



//output: 1, 2, 3

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

java: How to convert String array to Long array

String[] numbersString = {"1", "2", "3"};

List list = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i <>
    Long tmp = Long.valueOf(s[i]);
//convert Long ArrayList to Long[] array 
Long[] numbersLong = (Long[])list.toArray(new Long[0]);

Saturday, March 15, 2008

java: How to put checkboxes in DisplayTag using Struts multibox

<display:table name="sessionScope.myFormBean.mySearchResultArrayList" id="myRecord">
<display:column title="Select">
<html:multibox property="selectedItems"
value='<%= (String)(( %>' />


myFormBean is the name of your Form Bean (i.e.

mySearchResultArrayList is a collection getter in your It will hold a collection of your

MyClass will represent each row in your DisplayTag (i.e. Your mySearchResultArrayList will contain many

myRecord represents the reference to the MyClass object.

selectedItems is a String array property in your with a getter/setter. It will hold the values of the selected checkboxes. It will also be the name of the checkbox group in html.

public class MyClass
private String abc;

public void setAbc(String abc)
{ = abc;

private String getAbc( )
return abc;

public class MyFormBean
private String[ ] selectedItems;
private List mySearchResultArrayList;

public void setMySearchResultArrayList(List list)
mySearchResultArrayList = list;
String[] selectedItems = (String[]) mySearchResultArrayList.toArray(new String[0]);

public List get
MySearchResultArrayList( )

public String[ } getSelectedItems( )

public void setSelectedItems(String[ ] selectedItems)
this.selectedItems = selectedItems;

javascript: How to select/deselect checkboxes

This function will select/deselect, tick/untick, check/uncheck all checkboxes belonging to a group. It can be used by a button to toggle a checkbox collection (e.g. Struts multibox in DisplayTag).

function toggle (checkboxes, isSelectAll)
if (checkboxes != null)
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++)
checkboxes[i].checked = isSelectAll;

Usage: You can call this function on two buttons:
- select button: onclick="CheckboxUtil.toggle(document.formName.checkboxName, true)"
- deselect button: onclick="CheckboxUtil.toggle(document.formName.checkboxName, false)"

- formName = name of the form.
- checkboxName = name of the checkbox group

Make sure all your checkboxes have the same checkboxName.

java: How to get DisplayTag sorting URL to work in Struts Tiles

Simply put requestURI with blank value onto the DisplayTag attribute.

<display:table name="sessionScope.myForm.searchResult"


java: How to convert a String ArrayList into String array

String[] stringArray = (String[]) stringArrayList.toArray(new String[0]);

java: The difference between the HTML comment <!-- --> and the JSP comment <%-- --%>

The HTML comment will show up in browser view source.

The JSP comment <%-- --%> will not show up in browser view source.

Monday, March 10, 2008

java: Why Log4J's Logger should be declared static final

Declaring Logger to be static final is recommended, particularly for long lived objects such as the Struts Action class

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Donkey.class)

The Struts framework creates only one instance of an Action class for all client requests. e.g. FooAction and BarAction will only be created once.
Static means the Logger is not specific to a particular client request, but is shared by all requests.
Final means the Logger will only be instantiated once.

Logger is tread safe because it doesn't hold a state.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Java: Eclipe's notion of classpath 101

In Eclipse, if you don't specify the build path, your classes by default will be placed in the base classpath of your project module. E.g.

Therefore, your base classpath is C:\workspaces\myproject\myModuleEJB\classes\xxx

Consider two spring config source folders :

testApplicationContext.xml is referring to businessRules.xml e.g.


<bean id="businessRules" init="false" class="">

both testApplicationContext.xml and businessRules.xml are compiled by Eclipse into

therefore, if testApplicationContext.xml wants to refer to businessRules.xml, the testApplicationContext.xml has to refer to the base classpath location of businessRules.xml
ie. /spring/businessRules.xml

java: Spring's Hibernate Template now obsolete as of Hibernate 3.0.1


Also, see
- Spring in Action (2nd ed) page 193

- Beginning Spring 2 page 70

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

java: How to deploy EJB in WebSphere using Ant

<property name="package.lib.dir" value="${lib.dir}/package" />

<target name="create-was-ejb">
<property name="ejbdeploy.classpath.prop" refid="ejbdeploy.classpath" />

<path id="ejbdeploy.classpath">
<fileset dir="${package.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar" />
<pathelement location="${was.home}/java/jre/lib/ibmorb.jar" />

classpath="${was.home}/lib/wsanttasks.jar" />

failonerror="true" />

Monday, February 04, 2008

linux: Linux directory structure

Below is a typical linux directory structure of interest to me :

/etc - contains the configuration files for the system. /etc/rc.d contains the scripts that get the system started.

/bin - has the essential programs that the system requires to operate.

/usr/bin - contains applications for the system's users.

/sbin, /usr/sbin - contain programs for system administration, mostly for use by the superuser.

/usr/local - used for the installation of software and other files for use on the local machine. What this really means is that software that is not part of the official distribution. When you find interesting programs to install on your system, they should be installed in one of the /usr/local directories. Most often, the directory of choice is /usr/local/bin.

/tmp - is a directory in which programs can write their temporary files.


Sunday, February 03, 2008

java: A simple ANT template

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="secondbuildJAR" default="compile">

<property file="${user.home}/"/>

<property name="source.dir" location="src"/>
<property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
<property name="build.classes.dir" location="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<property name="distribution.dir" location="dist"/>
<property name="distribution.doc.dir" location="${distribution.dir}/doc" />

<property name="" value="${}" />
<property name="project.version" value="0.1.alpha" />
<property name="" value="${}-${project.version}.jar" />
<property name="target.jar" location="${distribution.dir}/${}" />

<patternset id="meta.files">
<include name="**/*.xml"/>
<include name="**/*.properties"/>

<path id="compile.classpath">
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<include name="*.zip"/>

<path id="run.classpath">
<path refid="compile.classpath"/>
<pathelement location="${target.jar}"/>

<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
<delete dir="${distribution.dir}" /> <!--this will delete both dist and dist/doc -->

<mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${distribution.doc.dir}" />

<!-- Copy metadata to build classpath -->
<target name="copymetafiles" depends="clean">
<copy todir="${build.classes.dir}">
<fileset dir="${source.dir}">
<patternset refid="meta.files"/>

<target name="compile" depends="copymetafiles" description="Compiles the project">
<javac srcdir="${source.dir}"
<classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>

<target name="archive" depends="compile" description="JARs up the project">
<jar destfile="${target.jar}"
<fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>

<target name="execute" depends="archive" description="Executes the main class">
<echo>running this program now!!!</echo>
<java classname="org.antbook.welcome.Main" classpathref="run.classpath" failonerror="true">
<arg value="a" />
<arg value="b" />
<arg file="." />
<echo>end running the program!!!</echo>

<target name="echo">
<echo message="ant.file = ${ant.file}" /><!--where this ant file is located-->
<echo message="ant.home = ${ant.home}" />
<echo>ant.version = ${ant.version}</echo>
<echo>java.home = ${java.home}</echo>
<echo message=" = ${}" />
<echo> = ${}</echo>
<echo> = ${}</echo>
<echo>user.home = ${user.home}</echo>
<echo>basedir = ${basedir}</echo>
<echo>build.debug = ${build.debug}</echo>


Sunday, January 06, 2008

linux: bootloader file location

I have an ASUS F3SV laptop. It's dual boot Vista / Ubuntu. In the boot menu, if I choose the first Vista menu option, the boot loader will be corrupted, making me unable to start up Ubuntu and Vista.

I have no problems getting if into Vista if I choose the 2nd Vista menu option. So, to prevent me from choosing the first Vista option in the first place, I simply commented that option in


java/linux: Setup ClassPath in Unix/Linux (ubuntu) on your .bashrc

If you want to be able to call eclipse / ant / java from any prompt in your linux system, then
edit your .bashrc and add this lines :

# User specific environment and startup programs
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/usr/local/eclipse
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant


export PATH

note: $PATH is how your current path is configured. If you type in echo $PATH in the command line, you should see something like this

The colon ":" is simply just the delimiter.

Once you've edited your .bashrc, reboot your pc (or type ctrl + alt + backspace) for your new settings to take effect. After you've rebooted, type the following from the command line and see the results :


See :

linux: Add RealPlayer in your Ubuntu

wget -c
sudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.9-0.1_i386.deb

See :

eclipse: Installing JBoss Tools (formerly known asn JBoss IDE or Hibernate Tools) and SpringIDE via Update Manager

Hibernate tools can be obtained from JBoss tools. To add JBoss tools in eclipse, add this as a "Remote Site" in your Eclipse Update Manager

For more info, see :

SpringIDE - just add this to your download manager