Monday, February 04, 2008

linux: Linux directory structure

Below is a typical linux directory structure of interest to me :

/etc - contains the configuration files for the system. /etc/rc.d contains the scripts that get the system started.

/bin - has the essential programs that the system requires to operate.

/usr/bin - contains applications for the system's users.

/sbin, /usr/sbin - contain programs for system administration, mostly for use by the superuser.

/usr/local - used for the installation of software and other files for use on the local machine. What this really means is that software that is not part of the official distribution. When you find interesting programs to install on your system, they should be installed in one of the /usr/local directories. Most often, the directory of choice is /usr/local/bin.

/tmp - is a directory in which programs can write their temporary files.


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